www.Scottish Drone Surveys.co.uk
2D/3D Aerial Surveying Ground Modelling and Inspections
A collection of images taken using our drones whilst working on the construction of renewable energy projects.
Civil Engineering Limited
With over 30 years’ experience as a setting out engineer / land surveyor in the UK civil engineering sector working on bulk earthworks, road networks, cross country pipelines, deep drainage and sewage works structures.
For the last 15 years I have been working on the construction of windfarm and renewable energy projects both for civil engineering contractors and international energy companies.
To expand the existing in-house holding of surveying equipment significant investments have been made to acquire the latest technology in surveying and inspection drones (both quadcopter and fixed wing) currently available on the market today.
This accumulated knowledge means that your project will not only be carried out by a CAA approved small unmanned aircraft operator but also someone who fully understands the project requirements and is able to interact with your design and maintenance teams.
Primarily our work consists of,
Carrying out ground level surveys.
Downloading the surveys and processing them in 3D ground modelling software (Pix4d).
Producing 3D earthworks design models and then comparing the two surfaces in LSS to produce cut and fill quantities.
Using the above quantities to produce earthworks reports for costing etc.
We also carry out surveys of bends or areas of concern on wind farm component delivery routes for swept path analysis.
Robert Brocklehurst Civil Engineering Limited
Scottish Office:
Tel : 07762 887684